Greetings from the urban suburban paradise!
If the calendar is correct, it’s the fourth Thursday in the eleventh month…. Thanksgiving Day! Your spam filter may shutter in excitement but it’s another installment of the Chronicles of a Lost Southerner. Brought to you this year commercial free and void of product placement. For some of you it will be the experience of jumping from a burning building and to others it may result in the fifth anniversary of just deleting. Either way, hopefully y’all enjoy the day.
Loosen your belts and send the kids outside, Thanksgiving in America is no laughing matter – mass slaughters of flightless fowl in preparation for a holiday that comes but once a year and marks the evisceration of my wallet. With trappings of corn, potatoes, rolls, and a crazy uncle spouting from the living room why George W. “*” and the Big Three hatched a conspiracy to keep Dallas and Detroit in control of game day, but yet never actually meeting on the battle field. It pushes the button and is entertained.
On this day of excess a sense of tradition and history brings about a love for the gains we have made. (“Born to consume” plays over the p.a.) A love for the larger whole not yet lost; participating in something one has no control over - merely inserted into a long running play with just enough ability to keep from being run over by the ever changing story.
I am thankful this year for those who share in a love for conversation. Some say little, but when they do it’s to the point, and I salute that. Enlightenment is my drug; those who communalize are my drug dealers. Differing views fondly accepted to create a mended tail. Life is not a hotel for the accomplished, but rather a safari for the truth.
With the obsession of self overwhelming so many how twisted would the attempt to communicate with narcissism be absent I, me, my, mine in the spoken word. The new slang for the people that disagree with “this” Arms out stretched, closed eyes uplifted to the sky, the sun warming our good life I bid my friends and family all the best wishes and happiness this holiday seasons.
P.S. Fool yourself in believing carbon credits will save the world…
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